Being a Spiritist... Friday, May 30, 2014

Being a Spiritist is not…

·        to attend regularly a Spiritist Center;
·        to be affiliated with a Spiritist Organization;
·        to receive Passes or work as a Pass-giver;
·        to donate goods and resources;
·        to volunteer in the Spiritist Center social works;
·        to be an avid reader of Spiritist literature;
·        to  participate in Spiritist studies;
·        to declare yourself Spiritist.

To be a Spiritist is…

·        To study and know the basic principles of the Spiritist teachings;
·        To research and continuously educate yourself about everything that is pertinent to Spiritism, as it is an ongoing field of study;
·        To meditate upon the teachings received and their moral consequences, by assessing your own conduct.
·        To apply the acquired knowledge, striving for your own moral improvement, and contributing to the progress of others and the place where you are.

“The true Spiritist can be recognized by their moral transformation 
and by the efforts they employ in order to overcome their bad instincts.” 
Allan Kardec

Adapted from the book “Terapia Espirita, by Louis Neilmoris

Consequences Saturday, May 24, 2014

“In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences.”
Robert Green Ingersoll

Will Power Thursday, May 22, 2014

“God gave you will power.
If it seems weak to you, it is because you have not been exercising it.
Each and every moral or organic function needs practice to be able to respond rapidly to mental commands.
Train it by attempting to correct bad habits and you will eventually be meeting bigger challenges.
Through a disciplined will you will be able to attain the highest objectives of your current life.
Don’t give up if at first you do not succeed.”

Joanna de Angelis – Divaldo Franco
Happy Life

Regarding “The Gospel According to Spiritism” Sunday, May 18, 2014

The book's objective is the moral teachings of Jesus. It is a divine code; it constitutes a universal moral code, regardless of the belief.
For mankind, in particular, it’s a rule of conduct that encompasses all the circumstances of private and public life; the basic principle of all social relations that are based on the most rigorous justice. This work is for use by everyone. From it, humankind can draw all the means of complying with the morality of Christ. The instructions offered by the Spirits are truly the voices that come from Heaven to enlighten men and invite them to the practice of the Christian moral. "Accept this challenge and receive it as a reward for all your effort and dedication towards moral and spiritual evolution ..." It is not enough to call yourself ‘spiritist’. Those who are in their hearts, prove it by their actions."

Allan Kardec, “The Spiritist Magazine 1867”

The beginning is the hardest Saturday, May 03, 2014